Sunday, December 26, 2010

Halal Pork?

I was looking for my friend in Facebook last night when I came across a post by a Malay forum poster. This picture can be found here:!/simongohks?v=wall

I wonder whether the Chinese manufacturer understand the meaning of a Halal logo?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cheap Gifts fom Even Cheaper Colleagues...

My Company or rather my department where I am working has a simple Christmas gathering cum retreat. We were asked to buy a simple gift of around $10 for the gift exchange which was the highlight.

I was so happy when I got mine. Thinking that it was chocolates, I was thrilled that I was about to enjoy a nice Christmas treat. Imagine my horror when I unwrapped the gift. It was nothing more than this:
There's no effort in choosing the gift at all. I am not complaining about the cheap gift but the lack of effort to hunt for an appropriate gift. Guess what? I am throwing it away as I don't know what to do with this.